Color My Numbers

Art is created to move the viewer. Born from the urge to communicate an idea, art is the product of that expression. Do you know how your art moves people? Is it aligned with what you intended to say?

This is a place where we develop ideas and challenge assumptions in a judgment-free sphere. It is a study in bringing expectations and intentions into perspective.

Let’s make art reviews fruitful!


The premise is simple:

6 artists sharing and critiquing their unique works of art. 

We meet for two hours every other week on Zoom.

Artists will have 15 minutes to present and discuss their work and another 90 minutes to review the work of their peers.

We will engage in meaningful dialogue and potentially influence each other’s process.

Active seeing, listening, and responding are necessary skills for an effective

and unbiased Review where all criticism is constructive.

This is vital to the growth and development of our individual art making at every stage.

We will articulate these intentions and perceptions with a common goal - 

becoming more effective artists through a community of shared art and ideas.


Achieve a broader perspective

excite your process

feed your artistic evolution


Bring the ideas sitting between you and the surface into a sphere of consideration by your peers

Every Other Week

Tuesdays, 6-8 pm and Saturdays, 4-6pm EST

Next : TUE, FeB 9, 2021 ; SAT, FEB 27, 2021


In Collaboration with CHICK BYRNE

Photo by John Savoia

It is through thoughtful reflection and dialogue in the language of art making that we stand as an expression of collected vulnerability and focus. 
— Chick Byrne