To register, email create@tuktakstudio.com at least 2 days prior to the day of the event. Complete forms as instructed and pay the registration fee to receive a confirmation email. Registrations are final on the day of the event and the pre-registration fee can no longer be reimbursed. The remainder of the payment must be made by the close of the event, unless otherwise discussed with presenter, in writing. Please note that in the case of sessions or workshops that do not require registration, the full cost of the session is expected by the end of the session, unless otherwise discussed in writing.
All of the artwork is owned by the creator, therefore their property to do with as they choose. It is encouraged that all art work is taken home by the creator. In case of multiple creators, the artists will decide how to divide it or store it. If art work is left in the studio for longer than a month it becomes the property of the studio and can be used or discarded by the studio owner as deemed appropriate.
For a full refund, all cancellations must be completed by the time of the registration deadline, 2 days in advance of the workshop. For a 50% refund, cancellations must be at least 24 hours in advance. No refunds will be entertained if within 24 hours of the workshop or class or session.
In case of incremental weather, the days missed will be rescheduled within 24 hours of cancellation. The make-up class will be held within 30 days of the originally scheduled date.
Please note that photographs and videos are taken primarily for advertising and educational purposes. You will be asked to sign a release form when you first attend a session, which will then be reviewed and renewed annually. Privacy and anonymity will be maintained by changing your name and/or avoiding identifying features. Your choice to not allow photography of your work or yourself, will be respected.